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trev 11:57am 01-13-2019
Well done mate. Back in the day I built a couple Cirro Stratus and Ian's first prod moulds
Russell Rima 11:46pm 11-29-2017
I participated in the construction of a fiberglass airplane (which I own). Now my interest is in sailboats (primarily multihull) for cruising (exploring) the world (possible). The method of construction is the main focus at this point.
Mike Tarifa 9:49am 11-15-2017
Hi there!
I am a Sailor and Engineer starting a small scale production of typical canoes,in Florianopolis,South brasil,and i am doing some research to learn all about infusion,which is the technique i intend to use:
This page is really great! Congratulations and thanks a lot for sharing your know how and dedicating your time to do so!!
Ken Botha 1:34pm 09-04-2017
Your explanation of vacuum and pressures are to the point and easy to follow. Thanks Ken
allan Sharp 7:20am 08-29-2017
What a Vessel! Really enjoy your site and building process!
Good Work and Inspiration.
Rik 8:30pm 06-23-2017
Deze site is pure vintage internet goodness. En er wordt nog op gereageerd ook.
Moge goede wind en fijne zon je dagen vullen!
John Mottl 8:11pm 06-11-2017
Hello there,
Just thought I'd give yopu another update on our F36.
Our plans are on trckto depart September 17th 2017 on our openended cicumnavigation. Sold my buisness, listed much of my acreage, leased my home out for three years, doing a major refit on Max-Q.... Maybe we will be out your way in five years! We'll spend a couple years in the EU and Ireland.
All the best,
John and Melanie
GC Cirlova 8:39am 04-30-2017
Great job.Your blog is very helpful.
Jan Hendrik Almoes 3:12am 01-19-2017
Hey Henny,
schiet aardig op! wordt allemaal echt heel mooi en mega sterk zie ik wel. Heb je een geschatte datum wanneer het schip af is?
Jan Hendrik
Replied on: 10:42pm 01-19-2017 Reply: Deze zomer ?
Theodor 11:22am 12-21-2016
This is the boat I love! Great Job!
xinchi wu 12:07am 12-10-2016
like your projects.
waleed 10:03pm 10-07-2016
Very interesting project. Enjoyed looking and reading.
where are you located? What is asking price of your boat as constructed. Also will purchase the starter kit.
Neville McElroy 2:57am 07-17-2016
G'Day from Sydney
Fantastic job such patience and perfection.
Andreu 9:11am 12-14-2015
Good morning from Barcelona,
We are a group of engineering students from Barcelona doing some basic project of developing a better equipment for Farrier F-39. Your blog has been very helpful to get some info and learn more about the boat !
Awsome job! :)
SV Skot 11:34pm 12-13-2015
Dag Fram,
Leuke informatieve site!
Hebben jullie nog vertrekkers pilots/vaarwijzers te koop?
Graag horen wij van je.
Dank alvast.
Vriendelijke groet,
Victor en Margaret
Replied on: 11:16pm 12-14-2015
Reply: Helaas, geen vaarwijzers te koop.
Paul Jeffcoate 3:18pm 12-02-2015
Hi I love your website I find it Fascinating and very impressive. We are building a F9AX here in the south of England, and we use vacuum bagging etc. the hull are virtually complete and we are fairing ready to spray in the Spring, the inside is partly fitted out.
Manuel Vargas 11:46am 11-10-2015
Thomas 8:51pm 09-19-2015
Phillip N dillon 12:09am 07-11-2015
Has anyone built one in wood?
ALEX HAMM 7:29pm 07-06-2015
Hi Ian !!!
And what if LOA will be 60'?
jim mcmullen 10:15pm 09-15-2014
Very interesting project. Enjoyed looking and reading.
where are you located? What is asking price of your boat as constructed. Also will purchase the starter kit.
Gareld Jouvenat 10:31pm 08-25-2014
Thank you so much for taken the time to make this webpage. I am at the "turning dreams to plans" stage (F-39 still deciding) and finding your webpage today was great to here real world experience and unique new information...your DVD is on the shopping list.
David Eiland 9:29pm 07-08-2014
Thank you for the information. I plan to purchase your "starter kit" to get a better understanding of the infusion process.
Marnix Munneke 6:05pm 05-07-2014
Hallo Henny, zomaar even een berichtje. Ik was even benieuwd hoever je bent gevorderd.. en nam derhalve even een kijkje.. Klopt het dat je hem nu in het water hebt liggen of is dat een ander jacht? Als dat zo is heb je wel weer keihard gewerkt zeg!! Succes.. groet Marnix
Brian in Pasadena CA 2:47am 12-22-2013
Congratulations on your final big infusion, that must have been nervous time for you but I'm glad to see everything went well. Although still a ways to go, I'm sure now that you will finish this long project successfully and have a wonderful boat that you can sail with unmatched pride.
john 10:32pm 09-14-2013
hi. thanks for the insight. i am planning to make a custom trimaran and have just started to pin point the correct details. peace n good sailing to yuo n yours
Mark Caviezel 12:08am 09-07-2013
I really love your website, thanks for spending the time to author it.
- Mark Caviezel, Denver, Colorado
Aernoudt Bottemanne 7:53pm 07-27-2013
Great site, with lot's of information and useful links!
Geoffrey M 3:39pm 05-06-2013
I signed in once before and have since bought plans for an F32, before Ian stopped selling them.
I am keen to use vacuum infusion, as it seems to have a lot of advantages, but my buildis a few years off starting as we have to rebuild our earthquake damaged house, which is a great opportunity for a big garage to house the project.
David Eiland 4:55am 04-30-2013
Thanks for sharing your vast experience. I intend to build my own cat; however, still researching. I'd like to build a smaller, personal watercraft to learn. Any suggestions are welcome!
Best Regards,
David Eiland
Ft Worth, Tx, USA
David Scott 6:13pm 04-26-2013
Hi Henny,Engelien gave me your website so I am just saying hi,and well done it looks great.
riccardo moro 5:26pm 03-29-2013
I am reading with much attention after finding your website after two or three months of having hooked up to the dream of Catamaran Power one for use in Lake Victoria - Uganda with my mate Ggingo. He has started this project with much ambition and crazyness, but it is now Our dream, and approaching to climax by small steps forward. I am still in half way reading your story, have returned to it for the 3D modelling and Modelling is very intriguing and being a hydraulic engineer by training, will resume study of informatics, or at least applications you ae suggesting.d raised in the great lakes region, and this retirn to my origins in a way is stimulating, you call adrenalin boost
Bravo and Xiao
I was born an
Jak Mang 8:23pm 01-08-2013
I'm trying to contact Nico about details on his CNC setup. My Nederlands is poor, but my wife is from Holland if that is an issue.
Jak Mang
Port Townsend, Washington USA
Juergen Schildgen 8:28pm 12-19-2012
Hi Fram,
very nice and detailed explanation of vacuum infusion and its advantages and pitfalls. It is the best documentation I`ve ever read. Have you ever experienced MTI? Could be a further step towards perfection.
Regards Juergen
Lars • 1:07pm 12-11-2012
Respect !!! Your still Going...
Its % years since I first was here and followed your struggle with the floats.
And Yes I'm gona Build a pair as well as a set of new beams to my Tri. But i Havee to finish My "Garage" first, to get the room to Use Vacum-infusion ,This Garage project seem to be on the "home strecth" with some insulation and heating left to do,
Then I will start My Float/Beam construction
But I want to share my fathers "Murphy kind" of statement.
"Its Never too Late too Give up! "
Fair Winds..
scott emmons • 12:55pm 11-12-2012
greetings from harrisonville,missouri - midwest usa
glad to have your efforts for the details so nicely explained in english!
spent some years working for a small dutch firm so have a pretty good
k'base of how talented the dutch are for languages . . . .you are very good!
looking forward to reading & studying your composites fabrication methods --
especially the vacuum infusion process.
Rob Thompson • 7:58am 08-24-2012
I just discovered your site and have read it all this morning. Great site and congratulations with your innovation using resin infusion on a hull. This is something I have been looking for information about for some time. I am planning an F-32A for trailering around Australia, so I may have some questions for you. In fact I definitely have some questions already! When I have my thoughts together I'll email you.
Thank you so much for all your efforts in communicating to fellow boat building enthusiasts.
Cheers and all the best,
Nick Sargent • 4:40am 05-02-2012
Henny: Just paypaled for the RI instruction/ starter kit. I have just purchased an f-25c which is basically sound but has a few delam a further issue that my wife just clipped it with the car, thankfully near an area that needs repair. I think she feels worse than I do. I assume that RI would be a better way of fixing the delams. At the moment I intend to:
1. Brace the areas that have delaminated with foam carbon fibre stiffeners underneath of about the same concept as Farrier specifies for inside the amas. They would be "pushed-up" with the intent that the inside carbon layer would maintain the original shape at that location. They would remain in place once the fix is done. Intent is to set them in place using RI
2. Cut our a three sided shape, just through the outer carbon fibre (CF) that I can roll back or lift, outside of the area of the delam. Grind a bevel centred on the cut for laying in CF tape for final repair.
3. Check the condition of the core and either replace or not...RI the back side of any new core (I will probably use foam rather than balsa) onto the inner CF layer....or try to clamp it in place, not sure.
3. RI the top layer, presumably drilled, onto the core and potentially at the same time the CF layers that will lay in the bevel and bring everything back up to the original level and fill the holes...Could I get away without drilling the upper layer?
Any comments?
Paul Verhoeven • 5:49pm 03-18-2012
Henny, I am reading your blog with pleasure and admiration. How in hell do you find the time to do all this? Building a super-ocean-going tri and maintaining this blog while having a real job too!
I wish you many years of fun and, once the buiding done, of great sailing. Vr. Gr. Paul
Jorge P • 4:41am 02-27-2012
Excellent documentation of your build. I am already feeling comfortable with infusion technique and I have just ordered your kit. My learning project will be a 20' flats boat. Im considering the possibility of infusing inside and outside at the same time ... If I can figure out how to keep corecell in correct shape.
Cheers, and Thanks for all the excellent information and good skill on your awesome boat!
Rob • 7:39pm 01-18-2012
Thanks for the great work. Still struggling with the decision of hand layup, vacuum, infusion. You have helped a lot.
Best Regards,
nathan • 3:25am 11-01-2011
i'm looking to start building a F-82 this spring, sooner if i can get the build space ready. your f-39 looks good, hope i can make mine as well. i've done a few coaoes and kayaks, but nothing over 17ft. any tips i havn't already got from youe web sit would always be welcome.
Steve • 3:39am 10-01-2011
Any Idea what a fair price would be for 80% complete main hull and floats? no cross arms or equipment? These is one on ebay
Thanks, Steve
Eddie Malate • 11:23pm 09-19-2011
i could hardly slept at night after reading everything you wrote and some very helpfull pictures on your task to build a fiberglass trimaran by vaccum infusion method. i feel i wanna build build my own dream boat (trimaran) using your method. I love boat, ships anything that floats and move, that's why i became a seaman (deck officer) now retired. I might purchase the vacuum infusion kit just for small boat, just to experience if i can do it myself, before i make a big on the pacific island where i came from. so, i might order soon and i might need your favor if need help. and, lastly, im a begiiner.
Rev. George Taylor • 7:50am 08-13-2011
I have always worked with wood as you have stated you have, however I have a concern of increased cost. Although I do realize that the weight would be much lower and strength would be much better. My main concern is having a closed in area in order to do everything properly and cleanly. You however... have inspired me to the point to try a different way of doing things, since I have been researching everything I need to build and fit out a descent tri-cruser that I can easily trailer and bring home during extreme weather, I can find no better way than you are showing. God Bless you and your family.... Thank you so much for the inspiration !
Marnix Munneke • 11:14pm
Beste Henny,
Ik vond het zeer interessant om en dagje met je door te brengen en daarna zo uitvoerig door je rondgeleid te zijn bij je prachtige boot en leuk dat je me meenam in je gedachten-gang.
Ik wist wel dat het een heel project was.. maar zo groot...Daarvan had ik eigenlijk geen idee.
Je moet prettig gestoord zijn om dit te kunnen volhouden lijkt me,, het is een soort ""monnikenwerk"". Je hebt mijn allerdiepste bewondering en waardering meer dan verdiend.. "'een wonderkind met veel geduld, doorzetting en discipline""
Succes verder ik blijf je volgen. Marnix
Tyler • 6:49am 04-28-2011
You are inspiring, I keep on finding myself distracted from studying for my exams by this amazing site. I hope that one of these days I can partake in a similar project. Thanks for the great site!
Ad Meeuwsen • 1:04am 04-10-2011
Dank voor de fijne leesuren ! Sy MOUETTE
Sailorman Ed • 4:47am 03-01-2011
the magazine article was great and I enjoyed your high speed video. Wish I could understand the Dutch.
Santiniki • 6:47pm 02-28-2011
Your work has definitely pushed me in the direction of building my own boat, just a 21 feet fishing boat for starters...
just started a blog at to show my progress
thank you very much and keep it up
Wiebe Pronker • 9:30pm 02-25-2011
David Grove • 2:59pm 01-07-2011
Thanks for maintaining this excellent, entertaining, and very informative site. A very elegant solution to your stern tube and bracket. We are two Australians touring Europe; eventually we will buy our next boat here, a catamaran this time, and sail it back to Australia.
If you could use some semi-skilled labour, I'd love to come and give you a day or two's help when we're next passing through the Netherlands.
Best regards and good luck from David Grove
Bob Hauser • 5:49pm 01-03-2011
Great site I have been visiting once a month for the last few years. I own a OSTAC F31 and would love to have the time and energy to build an F39.
Keep working and posting your thoughts.
Gerald Sheble • 2:53pm 10-29-2010
Have F28CC, would like F33. Thanks for the detailed information.
Wicke • 12:16am 10-04-2010
Greate job, keep it up.
Jan Wiersma • 7:40am 09-09-2010
Ik ben al een tijdje bezig met het idee om een F-32 te bouwen. Maar nadat ik de Trimax 1080 van binnen heb gezien ben ik nu bezig om een ruimte te zoeken voor het bouwen van een F-39, die toch wel heel wat meer ruimte heeft dan de F-32
Ik woon al 20 jaar in Schotland en een F-39 zou dan wel mooi zijn voor oversteekjes naar Nederland.
De website is echt heel goed. Ik had eerst gedacht aan vacuum bagging maar na het lezen van je veslagen is infusion zeker aantrekkelijk
Rob Kline • 11:49pm 08-25-2010
I will be purchasing your information and kit for building a Trimaran and I assume that one can build a boat of almost any length if one is able also to get a design for the boat. Do you design trimarans?
James Barton • 11:16am 07-31-2010
What a great site! And fantastic work, you are building my dream :-). (tough about the anchors yesterday) Ik woon wel in Nederland, en will graag langs komen (oude kleren inbegrepen). Mag ik a.u.b address en tel nr.? Groeten, James Barton
Klaas-Jan Knoppers • 1:03am 07-27-2010
Hallo Henny,
Lees al enkele jaren je voortgang van je project en heb bewondering voor je uithoudingsvermogen! Het wordt wel prachtig!!
Wij woonden in de de US waar ik redelijk vaak op de F-boten heb wedstrijdgevaren en we hebben toen de knoop doorgehakt en daar een F-27 gekocht. Inmiddels wonen we in NL en.....als je volgende keer in Goingarijp bent (daar wonen we en staat ie op de trailer) dan ben je welkom voor een kop koffie of een zeiltochtje. Veel succes met je afbouwen!!
vr. gr. Klaas-Jan
Geoffrey M • 2:51am 06-25-2010
I've been here a few times as I would like a F-32 some time in the future and it is great to see others' progress and get some good ideas on both boat building and on the water (eg. how not to use a small inflatable..)
Thanks for the great site.
Sigrid Boersma • 9:14am 05-29-2010
Hallo Henny,
Hier even een berichtje van schipper Sigrid:
Bedankt voor een leuke dag zeilen op de Goïngarijpster poelen! Praamzeilen is heel wat anders dan trimarans bouwen:-)
Zo aan de website te zien ben je een heel erg groot project begonnen waar je al heel ver mee bent. Ik ben onder de indruk van alle foto's over de voortgang, de bouw en je gebruik van ruimte!!
Ik hoop dat je er straks mooie zeilervaringen mee zult hebben.
Heb ook al even de plattegrond bestudeerd voor de kussens. Wanneer je interesse hebt kan ik wel een keertje langskomen.
Meer info op:
groeten Sigrid.
michael d • 1:35am 05-21-2010
just reading your stuff here, interested in building a tri maran
mike lee • 4:33pm 05-02-2010
Fram. Well done. This is a fascinating and very instructive site. I have built four multis. so far, in 'traditional' ply, cedar epoxy strip plank etc. and now want to do a 10m. cat in corecell/epoxy. Knowing very little of this method I learned more in an hour by going through your beautifully clear and well illustrated site than many hours of research on commercial pages. You have given the confidence boost needed to believe it can be done! Whether the build will be to your very high standard I much doubt. You have set the mark very high. Will keep up with your build as it goes along. Best wishes for it all. Many thanks.
Jade Smith • 4:47am 04-28-2010
I eat trimarans as snacks.
McGregor 65
Tom Brandewiede • 4:59am 04-21-2010
i love your blog!!! I cant wait to see the finished product!!! I eagerly look every week to see what progress you have made. i'm even starting to dream of my own build, albeit, still dreaming!!!! but, As i have seen watching your blog, plot a course! the shoals and reefs will show themselves!!! Just plot a destination and you will get there!!! THANK YOU FOR PLANTING THE SEED OF A DREAM!!! SOON TO GROW!!!!
Sigi Stiemer • 6:48pm 04-18-2010
I admire you tenacity and skills. What will you do with all your energy, once the boat is ready?
charley ghanem • 9:27pm 03-10-2010
Hello....very nice website. I am building a Ray Kendrick Avalon 9.0 trimaran.
Keep up the good work.
louis de lassus • 8:18pm 02-02-2010
louis de lassus • 8:17pm 02-02-2010
why didn't i know your site before making my tri!!! so look at the lod fashion way to make sandwich..
Warren G Rosenkranz • 7:32pm 01-28-2010
I look forward to working with your experience and knowledge. As a neophyte I have learned so much from you. Keep up the great work.
luca • 5:54pm 01-13-2010
I would like to get in contact with you, please let me have your e-mail and phone n.
I am interested to order a f-32 with latest building technology.
please contact me asap.
Dr Jim McKie • 7:14pm 11-12-2009
I have looke through just the flot building section.
I am just so very impressed at the quality and the
courage to undertake the vacuum infusion method.
Your skill and attention to detail is of the very highest
quality. Well done. It couldnt be done better in an
amateur or professional setting.
Thank you so much for showing us your work it is a
very valuable contribution to boat building for us
amateurs - you are a master professional.
I look forward to viewing the hull build
Again thank you for sharing your skills
I do have the plans for the F39 but have yet
to be in the position to start it. I doubt very much
I can work to your standard but it gives me something to aim at.
Kind Regards Jim Mckie
jeeten hurloll • 7:06am 11-08-2009
i love your project.
here's mine:
Anneee • 9:25pm 11-07-2009
Haaaaiii papaaa
I don't know how you that can spell in englisch. whaha.
btw; i love you dad!
Hugh Stewart • 5:29pm 11-04-2009
Good to meet you in Chicago, Henny.
What a great brunch and conversation on top of the Hancock!
Let's keep in touch
John Hoaglund • 7:53pm 09-24-2009
Great news about the dream house. I hope it all works out as you hope. I'm a long-time follower of your site and have learned a lot. I'm even messing around trying some vacuum infusion on a project. Best wishes.
selvin jones • 3:59am 08-29-2009
wonderful information you go friend
Alan Smith • 11:54pm 06-23-2009
I want to congradulate you on your hard work and intelligence. I spent an hour reviewing your website. It taught me one thing....the work is very complicated, requires a great amount of time and energy, and would cost me a blockquoteorce. If I attempted this project my beautiful F-39 would actually become a submarine. Thank you, Sir, for your excellent documentation of this fantastic project. Respectfully, Alan
jamie feren • 12:11pm 05-09-2009
Oh, WOW.... what an informative site... thanks... I am considering building a farrier design... and person job. Of course I am not going larger than 28 feet.. at the most.. and maybe less.
How do you ship your starter kit?
D.M.Callahan • 6:20am 04-16-2009
Dear Sirs,
I have been looking at your site every day for the last 2 years! I would like to have a f-39 built for myself. Are you happy with the way everything turned out on yours? Do you build them for other people? What if anything is poor or needing more engineering on the f-39 design. (i.e. internal diesel engine.) Thanks in advance.
David Mackey Callahan
Jeroen • 4:16pm 04-14-2009
Happy to see you at it again!
Your motivation and drive are an example.
marco wildt • 3:25pm 03-02-2009
Congratulatons on your decision and courage. I keep looking over your pages over and over but still it looks a quite complicated enterprise.
I am 66yo now, have a monohull 26', I wish I could have the guts to stay in a garage for such a long time. But the boat is beautiful!
marco wildt
MIKE BALLARD • 12:32am 02-18-2009
im looking at a crowther tri built in 1985 40ft long it is foam sandwich construction do you consider
a strong boat, or is a compleat wood boat stronger thankyou Fram
Lee Bunzel • 2:15pm 02-16-2009
Great site. I am looknig at a 7.7Meter folding cat and wnat to use infusion. I am trying to complie as much info before I tackel the Job and appricate the info you give.
Pentcho Bodegom • 1:54am 02-04-2009
Dag Henny,
Gecondoleerd. Ik las net het bericht van je broer.
Sterkte met het verwerken van dit verdriet.
Paul B • 7:50pm 02-02-2009
So sorry to hear about the loss of Gerry
He left you whilst doing something that he loved and I'm sure that he is proud of what you are doing and would want to be part of it as you continue.
paul F32 #81
Dino • 11:31pm 01-09-2009
Few minutes ago I saw tragic news on your site. Feel sad. Don't know proper words in English, but all I can say is that life should go on. Your brother will be in your mind forever, that is all he needs.
Jeroen Wittock • 2:40pm 01-07-2009
Bij deze wens ik je veel sterkte bij het verlies, hoe moeilijker het afscheid hoe mooier de herinneringen.
Als je nog eens van plan bent een workshop te geven ben ik geinteresseerd. Alvast bedankt voor het delen van je ervaring!
Andrew Gilbert • 5:36am 01-07-2009
My sincere sympathies for your loss. My and my family's thoughts and prayers are with you.
Andrew Gilbert
Johan • 7:06pm 12-31-2008
Hallo Henny,
Wil je alleen maar condoleren met je broer, las het bericht. Heel veel sterkte met dit verlies.
Marian van Oortmarssen • 3:43pm 12-23-2008
Bij het surfen kom ik de naam van Oortmarssen tegen. Ik vraag me af of je familie van mij bent.
Marian Kok van Oortmarssen
nathan • 3:54pm 12-12-2008
i hope to have the luck that you have had when i build my next boat by resin infustion this time.
it will only be a 14' kayak, but it should help to give me the expiriece needed.
Guido Drost • 6:34pm 12-01-2008
Hallo botenbouwer,
Ik lees geregeld je site en ben altijd benieuwd naar de vorderingen. Ik las ook dat je een workshop gegeven hebt. Wanneer je dat weer van plan bent kom ik dan ook heel erg graag naar Hilversum of omstreken toe. Kun je mij dat mailen? Ik zit voor 50% in het buitenland, dus voor 50% kans dat ik kan zullen we maar zeggen.
Suc6 met het bouwen van de boot.
DINO JURELA • 8:42pm 11-28-2008
Forgot to thank you for all informations you are giving to us, unleaded sailors.
Arno Molenaar • 10:13pm 11-22-2008
Hi Henny,
Ik zag carbon bij het keukenblad. Wordt het blad carbon?
Mark Runnels • 11:04pm 11-13-2008
Love your site and willingness to share insights and inspiration.
Steven D Chatman • 5:38pm 11-09-2008
Great site. Thanks for sharing your experiences and knowledge.
I look forward to seeing pictures of FRAM on the water.
Steve Chatman
Rob Wissema • 11:13am 11-06-2008
Naar aanleiding van een gesprek met je broer Ben keek ik op je website en ben diep onder de indruk, zowel van je prestaties als van de site op zichzelf. Ik hoop voor je dat, als het project voltooid is, je ja dan kunt overgeven aan safe sailing bij following winds.
Rob Wissema.
Manfred • 9:21am 10-28-2008
What a great homepage this is. Have to come back later in the evening to fully read and understand all about your adventure building the F39 Tri! Thanks for putting it all up.
John Alexander • 8:05pm 10-13-2008
Hi Henny, I have purchased your starter kit and am excited to get started. I had not used my Pay Pal in years, so the address was incorrect. I changed it and e-mailed you about the change. I hope you get it in time to keep the kit from going to my ex-wife. My current address is 206 Wildwood Pl. Allen, TX. 75013. If I had your phone number, I would gladly call and talk to you person to person.
Jack Johnson • 4:07pm 10-13-2008
Way to go!
Mark Caviezel • 7:58pm 09-16-2008
Wow! What a great and super-informative site! Thanks for putting it up, I am in the process of learning more about this process.
- Mark Caviezel
bert • 7:41pm 08-10-2008
Hii leuk hoor
Ben Bouwhuis • 11:26pm 08-05-2008
I visited you from my home in Norway because I am looking for a maritime simulation program for a trimaran. I am working on the design of a long distance tri hull kayak.
This is a wonderfull site and it pleases me very much that it should be the product of a fellow dutchman. But FRAM is entirely from the land I'm living: Norway
Lots of good stuff, carry on! Ben
Rob Andrews • 5:13pm 08-05-2008
a good read
Klaas Buizer • 9:16pm 07-29-2008
Wow, wat een project en wat een doorzettingsvermogen. Ik zou toch al snel willen zeilen. Ik heb 15 jaar geleden stages gelopen bij blockquoteerse kunstof jachtbouwers en gewerkt met prepreg, hand lay up, chopper gun gewerkt met e glas en carbon, vinylester, polyester en epoxy. Jouw methode ziet er erg clean uit.Wanneer verwacht je klaar te zijn?
Ben zeker geinteresseerd om je boot te huren / mee te varen als bij af is. Dat moet echt een machtige belevenis zijn. Ik heb een F 9A gevaren, maar dit is toch echt een maatje groter...
Andre Venter • 7:45pm 07-15-2008
I have built a few steel boats but nothing like this. Soon I will be building a few canoes and Kayaks to learn a bit more about composites, then I will probably follow your lead and build what you have here. Everything I build is to help young people around the world, so you may be getting a few e mails from me soon. Keep well and all the best..
Ronald • 8:16pm 07-07-2008
Dit is wat je noemt een uitdaging. Bedankt voor de zeer informatieve site.
Ga er nu zeker zelf niet meer aan beginnen :-))
Ik hoop dat je er langer plezier van mag hebben op het water dan de tijd die kost om te bouwen.
Greg Sutherland • 8:23pm 06-24-2008
Nice site. Keep up the good work.
Greg Sutherland
Friday Harbor, WA USA
Dallas Babineaux • 5:07pm 06-18-2008
Awesome website - Fantastic job on your boat!! Can't wait until it's done - hoping you do many postings on performance, good points and bad points. Best Wishes!!
Rick • 2:32pm 06-13-2008
Excellent web site. I've read every page and watched every video clip. Thanks for those. I would like to buy your video CD but unfortunately I don't need the entire starter kit. I already have all that stuff. If you can see your way fit to sell just the CD I'll be more than happy to order one. Regards Rick
PS. Building a Mertens TW28 using the resin infusion methods you describe. You're the inspiration for choosing this method. Thnx.
john ireton • 4:20am 05-11-2008
I have enjoyed your web site. You have answered a lot of questions about resion infusion. Thank-you for your informative site, you have given my mind little windows of info.Thanks-John
>Eddy • 1:47am 04-20-2008
Hey dude,
Like- I just want to see you get that pice of cor-cell in the water: I only wated to help. I've been a mat chopper gun operater for some time now: belive me I dont smell the styreen. After I got out of prison, it was either "compsite technician" with Corsair Marine or living on a fishing boat in the Bering Sea. As with my exboss, I came in to the business after he'd left: the Kiwi- Aussy chap. Talk about a piece of work: it's a good way to get fired at C.M.- just mention the NA's name and you're out the door! Build a space ship or build sail boat: their as different as apples and oranges.
My chopper gun has stoped dripping,
all most done with the jel-coat.
Chopper Eddy
Eddy • 12:22am 04-15-2008
Fram needs to be built- I would like to visit you and demonstrate my fiberglass chopper gun. I can spray in a day what has taken you years. Yes, I have real trimaran experience: I work with Corsair Marine- so that makes me an expert. I like cheap diluted resins to shoot through my chopper gun; epoxy resins are for airplanes. Trust me, at Corsair Marine we get boats on the water- fast. With the amount of effort I've seen on this project, you could have built three by now, and all fitted out. E-glass and cheap diluted resin look just as good in the harbor, so why go bother around like your making a space ship? I can say this because I'm in the business
and I,m a veteran chopper gun technician.
Answered at 7:59pm 04-17-2008
Dear Eddy,
I'm afraid your power of judgement has been attacked by too much styreen from your chopper gun. Till now I've spent about 3600 hours in this part-time project, so what you are saying is that you are able to build a one-off 40ft. yacht in just 1200 hours. That's truly amazing, but seems t...
d.h. w. daniels • 8:35pm 02-17-2008
Prachtige site. Veel informatie en duidelijke uitleg met beelden die veelal voor zichzelf spreken.
2:03am 02-16-2008
Hi Hennie,
It's an impressive site and project, and I've been watching for a few years, but i wonder if you should be thinking of ways of dramatically speeding up the timeline. The project is now under construction for 5 years and counting. Two years for the first float, a year for the second float, and now a little more than a year for the first half of the main hull.
If it takes another year for the main hull to be completed, you could easily add another 5 years for the fit out of the interior, fit out of the exterior fittings, plumbing, electrics, painting, marrying the floats and folding equipment, etc.,etc.,etc.
I'd guess it was not your plan to spend +10 years building the boat, so I wonder if it's time to think of ways to speed up. Better be sailing than building, no?
Answered at 11:39pm 02-17-2008
Yes and no. But a countdown timeline would spoil all the fun, and besides of that, there are more things in life than building alone. Sailing for instance, however temporarily not with the own boat (for the known reason), but with the advantage of sailing in other parts of the world out of range for...
Chris Bennett • 4:38am 01-09-2008
Excellent site! My congratulations to you.
Best description for the process I've seen on the web...all the best in your building endeavors.
William deNiverville • 10:57pm 01-06-2008
I have built my own boat a plywood 26' Thunderbird. I admire anyone taking on a boat building project.
Keep going and don't be afraid to stop once in a while to recharge your batteries.
Henny • 12:01pm 12-25-2007
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all and many thanks for all the encouraging comments in my guestbook !
Building progress has been slow lately, so for 2008 I have in mind to do something about that.
John Reed in Alaska • 11:39pm 12-20-2007
Wonderful web site: well organized and full of great information- a compendium on composite trimaran construction. I found your caution on "extreme heat build up" as to CVI quite instructive.
I am in the aviation world/trade and many aspects of your work appear "aircrafty" or sound work capable of service in aviation. I hope to build some day, and your web site provides an opportunity to investigate the skill set required for perfection in catamaran composite construction. The F-39 is quite a project- best wishes.
Sepp Lerchenmüller • 12:59pm 12-15-2007
Hello Hennie, hope, everthing is going forward with Your project. Your website is one of my most frequent ones since start of it. My best wishes for cristmas from Austria and don´t stop telling us sometimes about your successes an disasters. Sepp (only owning a Dragonfly800SW)
Campana Luca • 12:01am 12-12-2007
Tanks a lot for these pages.....
houssain-kuwait • 8:41pm 11-18-2007
Hi im houssain from kuwait can you help me i have many Qs to ask you about it and i want to chat with you if you can i know you have alot of work but if you can help me plz my email is LAST-DREAM-KUWAIT _AT_ HOTMAIL.COM
Pete in Florida USA • 9:11pm 11-12-2007
Very interesting thoughts on multis!
I am hoping to build a coastal cruiser of small size, like a 24' cat or tri if I find plans that are reasonably priced!
Will be plywood construction of 6 mm Okume BWP.
Love to hear from other prospective builders!!
Pete mcalpinite _AT_
houssain-Al-moussawi • 4:03pm 10-30-2007
hi im houssain from kuwait i like your work & your site so mutch , my last dream is buildind 30 meters yacht and i would like to have chat with you & i love to be friends , your work and your site gives hope to people , im not good in english soooo in the end have good lock for you and for all your family and all visitores . houssain
Tom Brueck • 5:09pm 09-17-2007
what a beauty, your building website. Good luck with your project. I'm tempted myself to build a very simple but seaworthy cat. got the idea over the years, being invited for sailing by friends and looking at too many maps when travelling the world a bit on motorbikes. I'm in Gabun now working to get some money for a boat, respect for your way of spreading information.
;-) Ciao, Tom
8th grd gifted class • 5:26pm 09-14-2007
hi we are building 16 ft trimarans in our gifted class and we will race them in the river down the road we live in florida and boating is a major hobby!!! your website has helped us alot with our design for our trimaran!! thank you sooo much for giving so much helpful information!!
Steve • 9:37pm 09-08-2007
I've been following along since before the infusion of the first float- Things are coming along nicely and I've enjoyed watching your progress. Keep up the good work!
P.S. Your english is very good- much better than my Dutch anyway!
Chris Pfohl • 4:13am 09-01-2007
I haven't looked in in some time. The hull looks wonderful. You have an excellent website here. Thank You for sharing all of your experience with the rest of us.
Giekepie • 2:27pm 08-31-2007
Beste Hennie, wanneer ik door je site zit te surfen, krijg ik de kriebels om er ook aan te beginnen. Tot nu toe heb ik met hout gewerkt, maar met door je fotoboek te gaan denk ik eraan dit eens te proberen. Eens de financiële kant overzichtelijk wordt en een goed project gekozen, ga ik van start. Je hoort nog wel van me. Nog succes gewenst en hou de moed erin.
David Markel • 2:11pm 08-02-2007
Thanks for the great site....My family and I are considering building a Farrier design and love all the great advice from people like yourself. We are trying to put everything together to find real figure with the cost and time...I like the infusion process and will most likely be getting your kit in the future...We have bought the study guide and are doing our homework..... Thanks and have a great day. David and Wendy Markel of Ohio, United States.
>Stan Bransom • 7:00am 07-27-2007
Your english is better than many native born Aericans, keep up the good work, very intersting technique!
Miguel Morales • 4:13am 07-27-2007
This is a great site for anyone wanting to get involved in epoxy infusion. I'd like to build an F16 using the infusion method but I need to learn many more things before I make my attempt.
Thanks for the information. I'll be back.
jeroen van haudt • 11:21pm 07-04-2007
respect beste man,
hard core ,letterlijk
was hier in 2001
Antwerpen Belgie
Fernando de Matos • 12:09am 07-04-2007
Muito interessante, voltarei em breve para ver o andamento da construção.
Cumprimentos e boa sorte
Richard • 11:41pm 06-30-2007
Very impressive this task of yours . I loved the belly cutouts needed to get around the main hull bulkheads . And to have such information and experiance on your website as well!
Best of luck and looking forward to see your finished craft.
Richard Bruce , Las Vegas ,NV.
Klaus • 7:40pm 06-27-2007
I enjoyed your detailled informations on how you did what you did. I probably will start to build my my own tri, but I am not yet sure...
Right now I spend time researching web pages to gather all informations.
Living in Vienna /
Austria I was inspired by a doctor who built a large (56ft) shuttleworth tri.
I'm not sure, of a tri is the right choice, if it comes to seaworthiness - and on the other hand I'm very sure that a tri is the perfect choice for performance :-) Good luck with your project and I look forward to reading some of your experinces on water.
frederieke blom • 11:02am 05-27-2007
wat een leuke en leerzame jeugdpagina! Als Dragonfly 920 zeilster (en juf van groep 4) ga ik hem zeker bij ons op school introduceren!
Succes met de bouw,
frederieke blom
Hans • 7:12pm 05-15-2007
Gaat het goed met jullie?
Hier gelukkig wel!!
Hartelijke groet aan jullie,
Horacio • 8:56pm 05-01-2007
Hello from Argentina!! Congratulations about your commitment, I will help with my efort of mind in your task. It is very interesant the discussion about "why to build the own ....." also.
Probably in future
I`ll ask you about your manufacture system.
Magne 12:03pm 04-30-2007
Very informative web-site. Thank you for providing all this information free of charge! I am inpressed by the effort you put into the web-site when building the boat must be an enormus task by itself!
Best Regards,
Magne Oen, Bergen, Norway
Brian • 10:29pm 04-20-2007
Your recent infusion on the first main hull half was one nice piece of work.
Glenn • 4:58pm 04-15-2007
Good luck Henry. I admire your persistence and dedication. I have a factory-built f-31 in the US.
Steven R. Baum • 1:50am 04-15-2007
I am enjoying watching your enthusiasm while constructing your new boat.
Best regards,
Steve Baum out of Portsmouth, Virginia, USA
John Mawbey • 3:26am 04-04-2007
Nice job and good luck!
João Casqueiro • 11:56pm 03-03-2007
Great site. I think I will be visiting you a lot.
Take care
abbas • 1:35pm 02-04-2007
Bob Hauser • 6:30pm 02-03-2007
You have a very good and informative site. I own an older F31 so am not plannong on building, but still continue to visit your site to se your progress and get ideas for my furture peojects. Keep up the good work.
Bob (Comox BC Canada)
Natale Mazza • 5:44pm 02-02-2007
Congratulations for your excellent work.Will be back whenn I have more time.
Geneva (CH)
Bob Comlay • 1:33am 01-30-2007
I enjoyed reading Cees den Hartoog's account of his Greenland travels with Senta. I was one of Bill Tilman's crew on the 1899 Bristol Pilot Cutter 'Sea Breeze' who spent an enjoyable week moored alongside Senta in Reykjavik in 1971.
Travels with Tilman
Dave Fife • 11:10pm 01-22-2007
Great site. Very informative. Will view your site many times in the near future. While you are into boats I am into aircraft. I am using the infusion process to build a Long EZ aircraft. There is definetly a learning curve here. I have learned a lot from you site.
Dave Fife,
Linwood, Michigan. USA.
Michael Zodins • 6:07pm 01-07-2007
Great site,its kept me busy reading while operating the dredge at my work.
Rob Parker • 12:01am 01-04-2007
I have viewed your site with interest several times now and find your work diligent and informative with an incredibly well constructed boat and web site. 5 years into the process,it appears from your current schedule,to require another 5 years for completion. This is a long timeframe and how does this work with overall sailing plans,
Rob Parker
Nels Nelsen • 7:17pm 01-01-2007
Great work on the boat is reflected in the great work on the web site. You really set the bar for high boat building standards. Thank you for sharing your work, it looks great. Will you really be able to get it out the garage door? (and then flip it over?) Happy New Year. Nels
Steve Sharp • 4:31pm 12-31-2006
I just relized that I have been watching your progress for 5 years. This is an amazing project and you are doing an incredicble job on both the boat and this website. I am the plant manager for a well known boat builder and infuse parts everyday so I know what you are doing and I know what kind of problems you can expect to happen. Congratulations on your progress and I hope to see that mainhull in fused later this new year. You are an inspiration to all of us boatbuilders.
Ingmar Ögren • 5:08pm 12-28-2006
I am responsible for the Technical committe of the Swedish Multihull sailors. I have also built a trimaran myself in the "sticky way" so I am well aware of the fact that this method results in a real "amateur look".
We have had a committe meeting with presentation of your methods and experiences and also with a small demo of vacuum injection. Really interesting.
Keep teh good work going and happy new year/Ingmar
PS: my next epoxy sandwich project is a new floor for my Dyna Panhard -51 car!
Henny • 9:58pm 12-17-2006
Now the spam is under control with an extra security code input, I changed to the english guestbook version again. Look for the older guestbook messages in the archives. To have some input here the latest two messages are repeated below.
Trevor Wuoti • 9:04pm 12-17-2006
Building F31R Thanks for the info and your informative site.
Johan • 15:08 05-12-2006
Hoi Henny,
Ziet er nog steeds goed uit hoor. Ik kom zeker als ik er aan toe ben je ri introductie dvd ophalen, maar heb het voorlopig helaas te druk met andere zaken. Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans. Gaat voorlopig zeker op.
Groet, Johan
Trevor Wuoti • 02:12 01-12-2006
Building F31R Thanks for the info and your informative site.
R Alrikovic • 23:02 29-11-2006
What a spectacular site! I have been fascinated this past 30 minutes reading your writings and hearing of your stories. Your passion for boat-building will take you far, and I know that with Mr. Farrier's brilliant plans - you will go far, safely. That is what is most important. I look forward to seeing your progress. My best wishes for you and your family in your adventures of boat-building, and beyond. See you on the water!
Fair winds,
S/V Vybroshyenny
Alaska, USA
Lasse • 21:45 25-11-2006
Hi Henny , I'd just come in from my "composite shed" ,after diong my first vacum injected testpanel ,, It worked Ok in general ... Lesson learned:got some humidity stuck in the corecell due to the storage( cold) , should had waited under vacum under 1 hour or so letting all Water cook away .... the panel took about 4 minutes to fix ( 3 millibar) and now 4 hours later the epoxy starts to gets lite syrup ( 30 degrees in room) uses NM 664 infusion ... It should be ok in 4 hours to shut down vacum
So far,,IT works GRE _AT_ .. Thanks Henny for all good Ideas!
Andrés Llompart • 11:36 15-11-2006
Absolutely amazing site, great project, very informative ... Who cares about grammar mistakes? Yours is one of the most interesting webs I've ever seen and I'm not into sailing!
Many thanks and good luck!
Tom McCaw • 00:21 12-11-2006
I am about to build an F22 and your site is absolutely amassing. I think your DIY starter kit will go to the top of my Christmas list.
Just going to point out a small grammatical error on your site
It will learn you how to infuse simultaneous both…should read….It will teach you how to infuse
It will also learn…. Should read….. It will also teach you
You sure have put a lot of work into this. Once again, just an outstanding site.
Tom McCaw
Vancover Island
British Columbia
Dino Jurela • 23:34 05-11-2006
Hello from Croatia! Great site, huge help for builders. THANK YOU!
These days I will order plans for F82 R and the work will start as soon as possible.
Every information is welcomed. My almost new racer-cruiser 36 ft monohull is on sale, after
I tested Freydis 50 racing cat GIFI of Dominique Demachy in France, and I was delighted. But Freydis is expensive beast, so I decided to start with FARRIER F82 which seems to be very nice small boat. Later on I will try to jump on F39, but this is future project.
Tony Pascone • 12:00 03-11-2006
Just began building a Visionarry proa designed by Rob Denny. Good chance we'll use the vertical strip method on the hull.. You're wesite has been insprational..
We're starting a blog on our build at
Thanks for the great nformation. Might hit you up on the infusion CD if we decide to go that way..
maurizio • 15:53 23-10-2006
hi, pleaseyou can put better the web cam in way that can be seen better what you are doing?
egidio babbi • 23:10 10-10-2006
hi, nice web site.
i hope to see you on the water.
good wind
DF35 Alexia
Nathan Larson • 02:05 03-10-2006
Great WEB site and good information. I am very much interested in your use of vacuum infusion, however, the costs of the software you used seems rather expensive.Did you purchase the software or did you use a service that used your 3 dimensional data to provide you with the information you needed?I’m looking at building an F-32 – do you know if someone else already has the rights to sell the vacuum infusion data for Farrier designs?
I really appreciate your site and information.‘Hope your boat building goes well.
Tom McCaw • 09:19 18-09-2006
Great site...fantastic pics, love the library selections
gerson • 15:23 06-09-2006
I am on buiding and designing too
good luck
Tor Rabe • 00:21 24-08-2006
I saw your site first time this winter, bought the resin infusion kit this spring and made some bulkheads with astonishing results.I will hopefully infuse the first float hull half this weekend or next week.Everyone seems to think I'm crazy, I will never the less thank you a lot for the inspiration!And your sharing of the experiences you make during your high tech project!
Tor, F-22 in Norway
Lee • 18:12 21-08-2006
Hui, what a beautiful website you have! I have one, too, but mine is not as beautiful as yours. :) Lee
Charles K. Black • 03:30 15-08-2006
Thank you for a most informative and entertaining web page. I paid for your infusion kit about a week ago and am anxiously awaiting its arrival.CHUCK
Ervin Alijagic • 16:13 07-08-2006
Excellent work! I'd like to build a small runner boat myself by using composite technique and for more than a year I am just collecting information on plans and materials on the internet. Still not fully understanding Vacuum technique but I think in year or two (after I collect enough material) I will gather courage to take off. For now, taking a small steps...
Thom Derckx • 23:09 01-08-2006
Henny I'm impressed of your work and website - I checked it out today after I found an article in a YachtVision of 2005! that made me curious. Amazing how you reduce this vacuum infusion technique into something easy accessable and understandable for all of us.
Guess you will be an inspiration for a lot of people. Keep on the good work.
chris hamilton • 14:15 01-08-2006
a remarkable site for all sorts of reasons.I can see that I will be back again and again.
I notice that you dont have the "harryproa" (australia) site in your links page.It is a most interesting take on the proa idea.check it out - throw "harryproa" in your giggle and you will be right on to it.
see you soon.
Chris Hamilton
Mount gambier
South Australia
Alex Potter • 15:43 18-07-2006
Great website! Very impressive work. I've been very excited about starting a project like this of my own in future years. Best of luck.
Rus Cristian 22:16 09-07-2006
Thank You
jamie haselton • 14:35 07-07-2006
pure genius, i will be ordering your starter kit as soon as my dream devolops into reality.
would like to drop by when i am in holland next,
Jamie -CH
Bob Wilhelm • 08:49 18-06-2006
Hello -I have enjoyed reading your website and bought plans for the F-39 - big decision! - but having studied the plans with another Farrier builder I think that it is actually too big a project for me, even tho the plans really are exceptional.So, I would like to sell the complete, new, unused plans (sail # 25) which are fully supported by Ian.I would like half price - $2,500 Am.Contact at: rwi30783 _AT_ Thanks,Bob.
Rob Gill • 10:51 13-06-2006
Motivating and informative. Good luck
Rob NZ
Ben Deveson • 14:57 10-06-2006
Great reading facinating , enjoyed the account very much, all the best.
Rob Mead • 16:11 30-05-2006
Dear Henny,
Your site is fascinating to me as I am currently considering building a fiberglass trimaran from scratch. I have never attempted a project like this before – most of my experience is with wood. I plan to start with something less ambitious than your design, perhaps in the 5-6 meter range. Do you have any suggestions on where to find plans, kits, parts, rigging material, and the like. While I do have a few ideas of my own that I would like to incorporate, there is no point in me reinventing the entire wheel.
Thanks, and good luck with your project,
Rob Mead
Mattias Ernholm • 20:00 20-05-2006
Hello, I am realy impressed by your work and webbsite.
how did you geet your smart engine, I guess you didn´t by the whole car.
I am in the first stadium of a boat building project..Raising the money, so I am realy interested in your project and a frecvent guest of your website..
John Hoaglund • 16:51 19-05-2006
Thanks for your great web site.I check it regularly to see your progress.I built a 20 foot stitch-and-glue sailboat a few years ago and I'm fascinated by your project.
Wayne Erickson • 21:29 16-05-2006
Henny, Thanks for taking the time to set up this wonderfull web site. Wayne
Jan Hendrik Almoes • 1:44 11-05-2006
hey Henny,
hoe is het in hilversum? Ik zit in Singapore, grote werfbeurt met een supplier. Ik wou je nog bedanken voor het materiaal, mijn project ligt echter stil, omdat ik vaar, maar alle goede dingen komen langzaam en die modelboot wordt perfect.
groeten aan monique en de kinderen
Jan Hendrik
Dick Anderson • 22:45 04-05-2006
Henry,With your note on the yahoo site on the F36 it reminded me of your site and it took awhile to find my old message (2003).Glad to see you are making progress.There isn't a chance I could do what you are doing but tomorrow we are launching (for our second season) our girl, "Grey Hound" and can't wait. We've spent all winter making little changes and modifications and with any luck retirement from the "corporate life" isn't too far away.Hope to see your boat in some little out of the way anchorage someday soon.
Dick & Anne Anderson
F33 #007 Grey Hound
Keith Dorrell • 06:36 30-04-2006
A very worthwhile project work on, should keep of the streets for a while!I'm currently building and Avalon nine trimaran designed by Ray Kendrick of Australia.Keep up good work thanks
David Evans • 21:32 29-04-2006
Thanks for sharing your project. I can't begin to tell you how much encouragement you have given me to start my own home build. I never seen a site on the internet as informative as yours. It seems like everyone but you wants to keep simple techniques obscure. Your build is turning out beautiful; and it is a testament to all of your hard work. Thanks again.
gary weir • 20:46 17-04-2006
I am building a sailplane, not a sailboat, but I also want an inboard engine driving a rear propeller through a shaft, so that part is similar. I want about 40-50HP(30-40kw) and I want the engine to be 4 stroke for relaibility. There aren't many in that power range that are 4 stroke and those that are are usually opposed, so are too wide. In Canada the Smart car is only available with the diesel engine, and it occurred to me that might be a useful engine if the weight were low enough. I was looking for information on the weight bwhen I came across your site. The weight you give is heavier than an aircraft engine but not enough to rule iy out. Like you, I like the idea of not carrying flammable gasoline. One other very useful thing about this engine is that it develops full power at 3000 rpm, which might mean that I can avoid a gear reduction, and save some weight. And maybe some of the automotive stuff like the a/c compressor could be removed. Do you know what is included in the 65 kg engine weight? Also, do you know what directon the engine rotates in? I am curious whether you have to get marine propellers with different directions of rotation or if the engine direction has to be reversed. Thank you
gary weir
Daniel R. Oberer • 16:50 08-04-2006
I have gone through all your home pages and I'm impressed what I have read and seen! I need to speak with you in the next coming days! My direct phone No office:(41) 61-263.22.77 or Fax 76
With best regards,
Daniel R. Oberer
Daniel R. Oberer • 15:43 08-04-2006
April 8, 2006
Dear Sirs,
I'm very interested in building a F-39! Will come back to you soon
with best regards from Basel
Daniel R. Oberer
Harry Jacobs • 14:24 24-03-2006
ik ben geInteresseerd in het prototype van de trimax waar jij mee gevaren hebt.Ik ben nl. absoluut niet zo handig aangelegd zoals uit jouw website blijkt.Gebrek aan tijd en technische kennis laat me niet toe er zelf één te bouwen en het budget als dertiger evenmin een nieuw schip.Welke zijn de fundamentele mankementen van het prototype ?Je vond het wel fantastisch zeilen ?bedankt alvast voor je reactie.
Francis N. Osorio • 12:33 18-03-2006
I am Francis Osorio from the Philippines.I will follow your work progress with great interest as I am myself thinking to build my own trimaran.
Steve Garlick • 05:59 16-03-2006
Thanks for providing so much information. I've decided to start an F-82 and your site has helped with some vital decisions. I've decided not to try vacuum infusion, but will vacuum bag smaller components such as bulkheads, or anywhere I'm using carbon cloth (to ensure proper wet-out).
Henny, how many hours a week do you think your averaging?
Steve Garlick
Nels Nelsen • 04:12 07-03-2006
WOW, Cool, Far Out!
You make it real neat.
Thanks you very much for all of the detail on your web site.
I am so inspired now perhaps I can build a boat too.
Thanks,I am loooking forward to more of your building.
and I am sure your English is much better than my Dutch.
Steve Arthur • 11:37 06-03-2006
some great info and good luck with your sailing, "let the wind at your back not be your own..."
TONY TAVARES • 16:29 05-02-2006
hi fram,
thank you for your informative site, i have dreams to build a 46ft. cat for commerical fishing and have been reseaching high and low for information, have worked and i am presently working in frc but i come from the old school of hand lay up, and am experimenting with vacuum bagging presently, but i know infusion will be the best of both worlds (hand lay up/vacuum bagging) so good building.
mahalo tony
Lina et François Mai • 21:09 25-01-2006
Pouvez-vous me donner des adresses de construction (en français) par infusion?
Merci beaucoup!
Lina et François
Jose Ramon • 20:16 05-01-2006
La mejor página de construcción amateur de la red.
Los que estamos en un proyecto similar agradecemos consejos tan detallados.
FRAM • 23:46 30-12-2005
Happy New Year and thanks for all your encouraging comments. Again this is a new guestbook, as I was getting real sick of all the spam the former guestbook was receiving. Hope this one is doing better. With deleting the spam I accidentally deleted a message from a webcam guy, who had an interesting offer. I don't have your address anymore, so please be so kind to send your message (with the offer) again.
All the messages has been moved to the guestbook archives. To see them click on the link at the left.
Henny van Oortmarssen
David Wear • 18:05 27-12-05
I work with "at-risk" high school age kids, and I'm looking for information on boat building projects that this group can tackle with some hope of success. I have building experience, but not boat building. These kids will attempt anything, mostly because they have no concept of the difficulties ahead, (which is how most of us get into new adventures, right?) So I'm looking for suggestions of beginner projects that could be completed over the course of 10 to 12 weeks, perhaps. Canoes, kayaks, skiffs or other smaller craft. Any ideas? Thanks.
David Wear
K. Wams • 01:40 20-12-05
Very instructive site Thank you.
Bobby and Kimber Mat • 03:01
18-12-05 Thank you.
sven bolin • 08:05 30-11-05
You have a truly amazing website, congratulations and good luck in your boat building project.
Delantsheere Jacques • 23:05 23-11-05
Sedert praktisch een jaar volg ik met begijstering de bouw van uw F39.Normaal daar ik ook een tri 24 feet KHughes hier in zwitserland aan het bouwen ben.
Deze site is werkelijk een leerboek voor het bouwen van een trimaran.Bonne chance!!!!!
Delantsheere CH 1373
Matthew Berry • 12:49
20-11-05 Man what a great site.I have built 11m foam cat but now thinking to build small f-boat using RI and your site is inspiring.Good Luck!
Robert Mathesius • 23:24 18-11-05
Hi, a wonderful page and good handful of humour in your describings and comments. I like this. I was interested in building the f41 cat by farrier designs, but to big for my savings. So now I am building an 29 ft. cat in Maastricht (I live in Aachen), designed by Shuttleworth. When ready I would like to sail around the world on the south polar route (all capes, like cape of good hope, cape leeuwin and cape hoorn on the left). My homepage is in preparation, I will send you a link.
friends of mine have a 11m 'half boat' on the Isselmeer. So hopefully we meet when your projekt is ready. Good luck!!
Guus Lamers • 11:12 17-11-05
I am following your site for almost half a year now. I am VERY impressed by what you are doing. I am particularly interested, because I plan to start a similar project soon. Because of that I visited the Metstrade show, where I met Arjen Korevaar from Polyworx. He recommended that I should contact you, especially because it seems that you are on the brink of doing another infusion. Now I do NOT want to be obtrusive, but I would really be obliged if I could be present on that occasion. (I understand you are rather busy!) Like you I started a site:, where I intent to report about my plans and progress. Please feel free to go there, but do not expect too much as yet. Hope to hear from you soon. Guus Lamers
Kragwulfe Bron • 00:18 09-11-05
I was very impressed with your site and the knowledge shared within.
I have been wanting to build boats(my designs) for some time--I will be able to start sometime next summer06; as I will be retired and moved by then--I'm moving back to Michigan and all the "Great Lakes".(great Sailing)
I'm really interested in building One-off method boats----when i read your article about the Resin Infusion Technique--I was very happy and excited--It seems that the Infusion technique would negate some of the limitations i would have in conventional one-off construction methods--I am disabledand only have a good left side that works. Thank you for bringing some hope and dreams back into my life!!!
Good fortune to you and yours
Charles Calvert • 22:54 04-11-05
Thankyou for an absolutely beautiful website...sat 2 hours going through all your images. What an amazing process !
H. Klaver • 15:49 21-10-05
In search for information about de Hassler windvane I hit your website. Why am I looking for info about a Hassler windvane. Because it served me so well when I owned the Senta from 1978 - 1985.
If you could provide information (links, pictures) I would be very gratefull.
kind regards, Hoeke Klaver
Rick Tobin • 23:13 20-10-05
I think that your site is great. You have done a commendablee job of explaining the infusion process and its requirements. Now have f31.
Maarten Bakker • 22:26 20-10-05
Wow... Henny, what a nice site! I should have visited it earlier....
Adam Waites • 20:14 09-10-05
I find your site very interesting. Clearly you have spent alot of time developing the site and I find it to be inspiring. I'm considering building a 24' off shore center console and would love to know if it can be done with a foam core and your process.
David Blackler • 07:01 09-10-05
I have been thinking about buying plans for the F32. Not sure if I will.
Geoffrey Strange • 06:25 06-10-05
Great web page! I wish some one had done this when I started building my tri twelve years ago!
Richard Alvarez • 19:09 28-09-05
Finally some one who at least has taken the secret out of this process other modelers I have contacted have been recluctant to share this and their suppliers. Not to mention the manufactures confusion on this vacuum method along with "large elephants" of equipment at a cost to choke a horse
FRAM• 23:30 27-09-05
Just another test
FRAM • 23:27 27-09-05
I was not happy with the old guestbook, so here is the new one. All the older entries has been moved to this page.
Please do not hesitate to leave your opinion here. Thanks!
Kind Regards, Henny van Oortmarssen.
Robert Warrington
City: High Springs, Florida USA
Sent: 18/09 22:39
First visit. I am sure I will be a frequent guest. I plan to build the same boat.
Name: Eduardo Leal
Homepage: City: Salto, Uruguay
Sent: 14/09 03:47
Felicitaciones, Una muestra equilibrada de tecnologia y capacidad didactica. La lectura de su pagina ha significado un empuje hacia una actividad (la nautica) que estoy comenzando a comprender y disfrutar. Un saludo cordial. Eduardo Leal Salto - Uruguay
Name: Philip Schlump
City: Denver, CO, USA
Sent: 13/09 00:22
Very interested in the process! Considering buildng a F-32AX.
Name: Narsi
Homepage: City: Chennai, India
Sent: 02/09 09:33
Hello! It was good going through your site. I dropped in to your site rather accidentally, but I liked it. Life’s like that, isn’t it! Thanks for providing this resource I guess it is always possible to make improvements to any resource…in the case of this site, I think a slightly more user-friendly design can make the site even better! But the content presented is quite good…Thanks once again. Cheers, and all the best! N S,
Name: tony ruiz
City: greenville, south carolina USA
Sent: 02/09 01:19
Excellent site, I'm looking into building same tri, very interested on the controlled vacumm infussion system, need to learn more about it, hoping to hear from you Salud....Tony
Name: Nick Evans
Homepage: City: Victoria, British Columbia
Sent: 25/08 02:28
I admire your pursuit! I've looked at these designs before and have been much impressed. Got your site from the electric boat list - best wishes for success in your project - interested to know why you turned your thoughts from the Smart diesel to eletric.
Name: Jim Louvau
City: Lincoln, NE
Sent: 21/08 06:42
Great site. Thank you for sharing your wealth of information.
Name: Fred
City: London
Sent: 28/07 10:25
Hi Henny. Thankyou for your taking the trouble to give us your most excellent site. I eagerly await your updates and am most impressed with your photographic record of construction. I am currently sitting on some F39 plans and hope to be able to get going at some point in the future Best of luck with your build project Fred
Name: Walter Stuermer
City: Oak Park,IL 60302
Sent: 17/07 17:56
Looks like a beautiful boat. I hope you and your wife always find good sailing.
Name: John David Brunner
City: Cheltenham
Sent: 06/07 17:03
I am a member of PB and have just finished the round channel race. My own boat is wavetrain. See if interested. Just signed in to wish you well with your hard work as I have found at times it is difficult to see the end of such a project!!
Name: Bob Wilhelm
City: Cairns Australia
Sent: 06/07 12:02
Hello - I have been doing a costing to see if I can afford to build an F-39 (looks possible) and it has been exciting and very useful to be able to see your work. Finding a building site is my current priority. I built a 10.5 meter catamaran between 1998 and 2000. I will write more as I get further along in this process.
Name: John Dunbar
City: Chico,California
Sent: 08/06 21:25
I have no message really other than thank you for sharing your work. I have been watching for some time and finally today decided to sign the guest book because I am feeling guilty - kind of like a "Peeping Tom" watching without permission. I may build an F32 someday or I may decide to just buy a Corsair. You project is fascinating to me. (I too am a Structural Engineer - steel and concrete hotels, office buildings and parking structures) I am very intrigued by the vacuum infusion method you are using. I will watch the web site some more and may buy your infusion starter kit to try it out. It seems like an excellent method to optimize the quality of the work. You are obviously an excellent Engineer and craftsman. That first float is beautiful! Congratulations to you and best wishes for you and your project. Thanks again, John Dunbar Chico, CA
Name: Paul Salmond
City: Wellington, New Zealand
Sent: 27/05 11:32
Excellent website! Like you did, I have to finish renovating the house before any other projects.(sigh) I have your website at least!
Name: Steve Cleary
City: Portland, ME USA
Sent: 23/05 01:14
Saw your site today for the first time. I'm in the consideration stages of building a F-32. I love boats and love to build. (Also love the Internet! My wife and I own a startup software ocmpany and Internet marketing agency.) Your site is fantastic. Love the detail you are putting into it. Not sure if I will join the many "madmen" who build their own boats, but will certainly want to keep an eye on your site if I do. My friends keep reminding me what the two happiest days of a man's life are. (The day he buys and the day he sells his boat.) I don't even want to print what they are saying about someone crazy enough to actually build it! Steve
Name: Tom Honan
City: Darwin, Australia
Sent: 02/05 13:53
Great Site, Thank you for putting it up and sharing so much.
>Name: Franco Bertozzi
City: PIsa -Italy
Sent: 14/04 23:12
Surfing in your site i felt in love with your previous boat Senta: she looks terrific and very marine By the way, has'nt she got any age problem with her alluminium hull? Many compliments for your interesting site and good luck for the new boat construction
Name: Peter Boyd
City: Adelaide South Australia
Sent: 05/04 07:06
Wow. love what you are doing. I am the proud owner of an F9A called "Bushranger" an aussie term for "outlaw" which i bought second hand. Previously I built A Trailer Tri 720 which was highly modified. I'm getting the building bug again but it will probabaly be a cat. Good luck. I'll watch your progress with great interest. Cheers Peter
Name: Capt.Ed Wojtecki
City: St Catharines, Ontario, Canada
Sent: 11/02 01:24
Inspirational site.I watched in amazement how the infusion process works. The energy level it takes to complete a project as big as your is huge.Keep up the great work and thank you for sharing your project with the world.Capt Ed (F25C # 25 Knot Krazy)
Name: Lennard Mokveld
City: Breda
Sent: 03/02 13:12
Mooie overzichtelijke site en leuk om zo te kunnen volgen hoe de bouw vordert. Zelf heb ik ook in mijn achterhoofd om nog eens een tri zelf te bouwen en dan is een Farrier-model ideaal. Veel succes ermee.
Name: Ayhan Þahin
City: Ankara -Türkiye
Sent: 01/02 00:01
Name: Morten Smed
City: Copenhagen
Sent: 21/01 10:52
Very nice page indeed! lots of good info and encouragement. I will follow you close and hope to see some sailing reports soon. best of wishes
>Name: Tom Millitzer
City: Milwaukee
Sent: 06/01 18:30
Learned a lot ---- also will hepl me in maintenance.
Name: Mark Stowers
City: Austin, Texas
Sent: 15/12 04:21
Awesome RI technique using the tremel tool and microballoons - very nice. Great Job
Name: Peter Whiteley
City: San Diego, California, USA
Sent: 25/11 03:19
I love your website. It has a wealth of information for amateur boat builders. I am fascinated by your use of controlled vacuum infusion. I recently contacted polyworx for detailed information on their software. I was hoping you could give me an insight into whether it was cost effective. The software is quite expensive to lease, at 4000 EURO for a 3 month lease. Did the use of this software justify its cost, especially when only building one boat? Did the software significantly reduce costs and/or man hours to justify the cost? Any further information would be appreciated. Much Thanks, Peter Whiteley, D.C.
Name: Mike Hayden
City: St. Paul, MN
Sent: 16/11 01:00
Very nice website and great information too. I saw a refernce to your vacuum infusion page and looked around the site a bit and I am impressed. Now pack to the site for some more reading.
Name: Roger Self
City: College Station, Texas USA
Sent: 22/10 12:17
There is nothing more pleasing to the eye than the graceful lines of a beautiful boat. Except one built by your own hands. Thanks for your inspiration and great website. Could you provide the product name for the mat used to distribute resin in the vacuum infusion process. There are many and I would appreciated your input.
Name: MAURIZIO mina
City: brescia
Sent: 22/10 07:31
what has happened? it is from some of time that does not modernize more these pages. they have been progresses? I am constructing a moth Australian with hydrofoils. I will make you to have of the photos as soon as I end. still good luck and Bravo!
>Name: >beppe venditti
City: roma
Sent: 15/10 10:22
very very interesting; I learned very much about thinks you can't see in the net! good luck
Name: Andrew Gilbert
City: Kaneohe HI.
Sent: 03/10 04:46
Wonderful site. Thank you for letting us peek in on your project. Eagerly anticipate the next update. Cheers Andy Gilbert
Sent: 17/09 18:45
Thank you so much! I recently got into sailing and have been doing a lot of research into building a boat. As a man once said "I have a dream!" Your web site has been very enlightening and helpful. I have always loved Trimarans. Seeing your site has been a real eye opener, especially when it comes to the Vacuum Infusion Process. It makes me feel like I might be able to pull this off. Still a lot of research to do and money to save though. Thank you again, for posting such good information for us beginners. Pete
Name: Pat Martin
City: Denver Colorado USA
Sent: 08/09 14:00
I am thinking of building the F-39 and appreciate your web site very much. I don't have any plans of yet but what are the living dimensions of the F-39. Also, what size of workshop would a person need. Pat
City: Southampton, UK
Sent: 08/09 06:15
Excellent website, Henny - the pictures, videos and description are fascinating. How do you find the time? :) Good luck with FRAM, I'm sure she will be an absolute beauty. Best wishes Gesine +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Gesine Kernchen Multihull Maven Ltd 1 Charles Gordon House t +44 (0)23 8033 0397 5 Rockstone Place m +44 (0)79760 48885 Southampton SO15 2EP United Kingdom +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Name: Emil Buencamino
City: Philippines
Sent: 29/08 21:25
CONGR _AT_ UL _AT_ ION!!! I been reading a lot of column about the Vacuum Bagging and Vacuum Infusion Process in the internet. Your explanation about this subject is so concise and easy to understand. Now I think, I haved enough knowledge on building my own boat which I am going to pattern on the Farrier and Corsair design. I am not in a position to invest in their Full Plan because the exchange rate in our Peso denomination, the cost ($1,800.00) of the plan will be a worth of fortune for me . Please continue your FRAM building and sailing pages, for I will be eager to read every episode you post. Would you mind if I can consult you regarding on boat building in the near future? Thank you for your great site, Emil Buencamino Philippines
Name: Benjamin
City: Puteaux
Sent: 28/08 14:15
Very good web site, congratulations!
Name: Powis Thierry
City: Jakarta
Sent: 09/08 10:05
Just a simple message to say that this is a good site that I bookmarked right away.
Name: trus
Sent: 08/08 13:41
i want data of trimaran.if you have it.sent to me ,please.
Name: Henrik Loman
City: North Wales / Stockholm
Sent: 03/08 09:24
Hi! Great to se that there are more crazy people out there:-) Started my F-41 built last year and will from next month start updating my web page with text and pictures from the build. I have slowly after talking to more experienced builders realized that I cannot build the boat for the money I first thought (nor as fast as I first thought) and are now purely building because I love every second off it. It will just take a bit longer:-) I know a couple of other Farrier builders in Holland so get back to me if you need their addresses. Good luck!! Kind Regards Henrik Loman
Name: tom simkins
City: willsboro, ny
Sent: 22/07 20:40
interesting - I'll be looking in
Name: thomas wessels
Sent: 09/07 14:28
Thanks for the interesting reading.Hope to hear from anyone who has a Horstman tri. 2005 starts an extended cruise with wife Susan. Cheers, all, see you out there!
Name: BeRciK
Sent: 26/06 08:00
Nice nice... Cool WEBsite. Good luck:>
Name: Mike
City: Laxenburg / _AT_
Sent: 23/06 13:59
Phantastic! Guess my next piece is going to be of foam too. About foam thickness and number of glass layers / strength: is that normally indicated in the plans, is it best guess, or did you run tests before? Keep my fingers crossed for you! Cheers - Mike
Name: Ken Holland
Sent: 19/06 22:21
You have created an excellent resource for future builders. Your workmanship is inspiring. Thanks
Name: Naresh Sharma
City: Casalmaggiore (Italy)
Sent: 18/06 02:07
Really way too cool!!! Great workmanship. The infusion technology has got my gears going. Maybe its time to do this as well. Can you give a figure of costs involved?
Name: joseph schembri
City: malta
Sent: 06/06 00:38
After more than 20 years of cruising on a monohull I switch to multihull I BOUGHT A F31 I can see know something like a F39 was much better for me to keep cruising A very nice website you got Well done friend
Name: Phil. Sager
City: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Sent: 19/05 22:36
Great information, thanks for sharing it. I have been intrigued with the Infusion process, however I never thought it would be possible to use for a one off. You have shown me that it is possible, and for that I thank you. Nice workmanship on your boat. I will be back often...
Name: Joseph L. Smith
City: Columbia, MS- USA
Sent: 14/05 16:09
Really enjoyed your web site. Will be coming back to see your progress. You answered a lot of questions I had about building vs. buying. I too am about to make the switch from mono to multi. Thanks...
Name: jerko bonacic
City: novigrad
Sent: 24/04 15:53
super site
Name: Odinn Thor
Homepage: City: Iceland
Sent: 22/04 20:40
It is a very good website you have here, glad to put my step on it, I send you and your visitors my best greetings. And I just want to say, you are welcome to visit my website as well. Vous êtes bienvenu pour visiter mon website Usted es bienvenido visitar mi webpage Dé la bienvenida para visitar mi website.
Name: Claudio Brumen
City: Houston, Texas
Sent: 11/04 12:36
The work and the website are both world class. Great simulation!
Name: Lance Allen
City: Anderson, California
Sent: 06/04 13:20
Wonderful site and incredible video. Thanks for the tips and info for when I build my Farrier.
Name: Roeland Delis
City: Veenendaal
Sent: 05/04 10:24
Dear Henny, Very proffessional the way jou build jour schip. This is really something else than my "valkje" I'll like to see the schip sailing. Greeting Roeland Delis
Name: Martin van Schaik
City: Bergeijk
Sent: 03/04 15:06
Beste Henny, Geweldige site en fatastisch werk. Je bent echt een van onze maritieme helden. Denken Doen en straks Genieten en spuiten. Veel succes. martin en marianne
Name: Enrico Rubino
City: Ragusa - Italy
Sent: 28/03 16:03
I'm following your work with great interest and is getting more intresting every time. Compliments, I'll wait for continuation.
Name: Robert L. Reynolds
City: Tucson, Arizona, USA
Sent: 23/03 17:45
Enjoyed looking at you web site. I am still in the thinking about it stage. I always wanted to build three things in my life - my house, my airplane and my boat. I've done the first two and need to get the third one started. Tkae care and fly safe. Bob
Name: Mike Wright
City: Seattle, WA USA
Sent: 17/03 00:03
Great webpage, I recently completed and launched my F-25A, great designer and great boats.
Name: roland
City: Den Haag, NL
Sent: 15/03 15:21
Geweldige site! Heb enorme herrinneringen aan dit type schip; zeilde in 2001 een F-36 over van Nieuw Zeeland naar Japan via New Caledonia, Solomon Islands en Micronesie. Prachtige reis op een prachtige boot... Veel succes verder, ik blijf dit project zeker volgen... Roland
Name: Larry Romano
City: Sandy Hook, CT USA
Sent: 08/03 18:09
I consider my self a brave man to take on projects that most people will not. But I don't hold a candle to you, Vacuum Infusion a one off 39' Tri. I look weekly for updates and will continue until you launch. Thank You, Larry
Name: Håkan Anderberg
City: Trelleborg - Sweden
Sent: 29/02 10:20
Good job explaining infusion. I have used cheap bird nets (to protect fruit and berries) as carrier between bag and bleeder and flexible electrical conduit and "connecting boxes" for vaccum distibution while infusing with vinylester. Works well and is cheap !! Were curvature allows it may be faster to make hull length foam panels, (on a flat surface), and then only work with smaller foam pieces were required.
Name: Ralph
City: Ca, USA
Sent: 28/02 22:26
Your building skill is awesome. And your procedures breathtaking. Thank you for sharing.
Name: Matthew Collier
City: Los Altos, California, USA
Sent: 28/02 12:27
Thank you so much for sharing your hobby/passion in such a public way. It allows so many of us to learn and dream along side you. May the best of fortunes befall you and your project. Thank you from California
Name: maurizio
Sent: 28/02 10:53
no too words , fantastic ! One question about the program of te PolYworx: the profram for the infusion is very expensive.It's possible buy one version light ? Good
Name: Martin Schöön
City: Solna
Sent: 27/02 18:03
Way cool site and project. I have tried vacuum bagging some but never the resin infusion technique. /Martin
Name: Nacer Mazani
Sent: 25/02 21:38
I would like to srongly congratulate you for the boat you are building. I never seen before, such a high quality level of workmanship in the process to build a boat. Once finish, "Fram" will be much more than a trimaran, she will be a master piece. As is your web site as it gives, for builders like me (F9AX) huge amount of informations about the best way to do things. Your work is very inspiring and push me to do like you, the best boat ever. Thank you very much Henny for what you are doing.
Name: Jean Philippe
Homepage: BR>City: Switzerland
Sent: 25/02 17:54
Congratulations on a job well done, boat and website. I will continue to visit from time to time. Check my project at the dream link from the website mentioned above. Maybe a couple of ideas for you or other people. Any comment welcome as well. JP
Name: Marnix Munneke
City: Amersfoort
Sent: 25/02 15:28
Zo Henny, Je bent al een heel stuk op geschoten zeg! Dat is allemaal hitech! doei
Name: Harmen
Sent: 25/02 10:55
Great website! Kind regards, Harmen
Name: Rafael
City: Sugar Land, Texas
Sent: 17/02 02:44
Thank you! God Bless you!
Name: cring
City: austin texas
Sent: 14/02 14:34
good job all around thanks .i repair flooring transoms etc in power boats
Name: Janusz Ostrowski
City: Warszawa, Poland
Sent: 10/02 17:30
Thanks for work in sharing your exerience. Very inspiring, although I'm now building from plywood and glass/epoxy 7m long pacific proa. May be next ;-) I appreciate very much your clarity and light style. Regards from Poland
Name: Paul Ricard
City: Connecticut,USA
Sent: 08/02 21:33
Just a monohull sailor that is intrigued by multihulls. Someday I may build one.
Name: Charles "Buzz" Guyer
City: Melbourne, Fl. USA
Sent: 08/02 10:30
2nd try! Great job on presenting complicated material, great photos and step by step explanations.I almost understand the infusion process now! Also noted most changes in F-33 were incorporated in this F-39. Wished I were your neighbor to help you do it! Buzz
Name: >Larry
City: Sandy Hook, CT USA
Sent: 31/01 19:44
Nice web page, great project. I found you because I'm thinking about building the F36 and I followed the links. Currently I race and cruise a 30' mono-haul and I'm thinking about that next retirement boat.
Name: joao sousa
City: Porto -Portugal
Sent: 25/01 18:48
Thanks for this web page,keep it updated. Where can I buy plans for trimarans?
Name: M.Keuvelaar
City: Wijchen
Sent: 20/01 15:04
Goeden avond,mooie en interesante site,ik heb hem op mijn site gelinkt bij de catamaran rubriek. Rene
Name: David Paul
City: Bennett, Colorado USA
Sent: 16/01 17:50
Henny, Thanks for taking the time to put this web page together and keep it updated.
Name: FRAM
Homepage: City: Hilversum
Sent: 31/12 11:01
Dear Friends, Happy New Year! The older guestbook entries are now in the guestbook archives. Follow the above link or the link in this guestbook page to show them. Do not hesitate to leave your own message. Cheers! Henny
Name: James
Hometown: North Boarhunt, England
Sent: 13.03 - 16/12
Fascinating website! I too am thinking of an F-39 for extended cruising.Currently own a Dragonfly 920. Your building process may be the answer to my problems too (how to build a high quality one-off)
I'm looking forward to following your progress and would love to come over and see the boat at a later date.
James Stewart
Name: Franz Miller
Hometown: Amarillo, Texas
Sent: 04.19 - 10/12
Here's hopng there haven't been any setbacks on construction. You've chosen a really good design!
Name:Rann Millar
Hometown: Anaheim, CA USA
Sent: 20.43 - 27/11
Good luck with your venture! I am in constant state of refurbishing my old Searunner 34 ETAK (Circa 1977)
Name: Waarschip Werf Delfzijl
Hometown: Delfzijl / Holland
Sent: 22.03 - 17/11
We just saw this site and are are very amused in this very original site . However we don't build the old type,s no more but some very nice modern models
See our homepage
with regards and just sail with the Waarschip passion
Bye, Bye
Name: Roy
Hometown: Boulder Colorado USA
Sent: 07.05 - 5/11
Good luck on your project ... thank you for the insight into this very cool project.
- RW
Name: Dickson A. Almeda
Hometown: Maria Aurora, 3202 Aurora, Philippines
Sent: 03.13 - 1/11
I'm an enthusiast of a trimaran boat. Your site inspire me to built my self and own said boat. I grow-up near coastal area of the Pacific Ocean and it influence my love in owning a boat and thanks that I found this site, it can help me a lot with the technical parameters prescribe here.
I hope you won't mind if I will copy some of your innovation/plan (Architectural design). Again, Thank you.
Name: K. Parrel
Hometown: Nunspeet
Sent: 17.08 - 29/10
Met je goede smaak op het gebied van zowel monohulls , als multihulls plus een fantastiesche website , moet de Fram haast wel een juweel worden.
Ikkijk er naar uit om hem langs te zien scheuren....
Name: hennij lipke
Hometown: s.stevinweg hilversum
Sent: 18.57 - 26/10
mijn engels is zeer beperkt maar heb toch vol bewondering naar je site zitten kijken, alle respekt zowel voor het bouwen als voor je site
Name: Bill deNiverville #1135 Evergreen
Hometown: Moncton NB Canada
Sent: 21.57 - 18/10
I built my own 26 foot Thunderbird in 1981. I appreciate the time and effort it takes to build a boat. Some times you have to walk away to renew your self. I threatened my boat with a chainsaw more than once but got it done after 5 years of fun?
We entered it in the 1991 World Championships and came 5th. I still race it and enjoy it. Being plywood and epoxy I still am modifying it and having a great time.
I wish you well and don't give up! The question you will hate to hear is when will it be finished? My answer was when it is ready.
Name: Tom Poederbach
Hometown: Amsterdam
Sent: 02.19 - 7/10
Since you attract an international crowd this message will be in English so everybody can understand.
Hell of a website and very useful information for anyone that is researching building a boat.
I agree on most points when you justify the choice of the multihull and the designer. I am a follower of Ian from 1989 and visited the Corsair factory in 1991. Rented an F27 a couple of times and was sold on the tri. But only years later I was able to buy an F24 ( Buitenverwachting) but sold it to a Swede due to lack of sailing time. I still reget that.
Still dreaming of getting a new one and I am concidering building it myself.
You must have a fantastic time management to be able to build, work and have a social live as well as a family that requires attention. I admire your guts. Hope to be able to make contact with you to learn more about the vacuum building method. Can't visit the CTC get together at 1 Nov where you will do a presentation.
I envy you for this achivement, good luck!
Tom Poederbach
Name: Dave Paule
Hometown: Colorado, USA
Sent: 02.56 - 3/10
Excellent web site! Also, very helpful, especially when needing to fight off the urge to build an F-9.
Can't imagine how you find time for the web site, the boat and your family, too.
Good luck!
Dave Paule
F-27 "Second Chance"
Name: Bas Bijker
Hometown: Amsterdam
Sent: 17.40 - 2/10
Great project,
I'm a big sailing fan. With the winter coming up, i'm starting a new hobby builing small radiographic sailing boats. with the first one ready and sailing i'm looking for a new "little" project, so i try to find a drawing of a catamaran. with my search I found this site.
I wish you happy sailings!!
Kind regards Bas Bijker
Name: Thomas
Hometown: Athens Greece
Sent: 08.16 - 29/9
Great work. Welldone and keep on. All my best wishes for good results.
Name: Schwarz, Dieter
Hometown: dortmund, germany
Sent: 22.38 - 28/9
Great site. Please more humor!
Name: The REAL Viking
Hometown: Akranes - ICELAND
Sent: 23.14 - 27/9
Very good website you have here,
Glad to put my step on it, send you and your visitors my best greetings.
You are ALL " WELCOME " to visit my little webpage as well.
Vous êtes bienvenu pour visiter mon webpage
Usted es bienvenido visitar mi webpage
Dé la bienvenida para visitar mi webpage.
Name: Steve Sharp
Hometown: San Juan Capistrano, CA , USA
Sent: 05.00 - 25/9
This is an incredible website. You should be commended on the effort and quality of your website, the information it contains and of course your building project. I have recommended your site to several people including three very well known designers here in the US. I have very good infusion experience and am very impressed with your progress. Please keep the updates coming.
Name: Alex
Hometown: Warsaw, Poland
Sent: 12.32 - 16/9
Most impressive is the rationale for (or against) building.
Have anyone tried to let the manufacture of the boat by hiring personnel?
Name: gerald
Hometown: Vienna
Sent: 11.24 - 15/9
a very fine page - good luck with your project
I am sailing a Tiki 26 cat
Name: ozcan gumus
Hometown: istanbul
Sent: 11.07 - 14/9
good explanations!
why don't you add a simple drawing of vacuum bag.
bon voyage!
Name: Knut Ljungberg
Hometown: Horten/Norway
Sent: 21.25 - 12/9
Very refreshing site and a great project. I sail a Pinta myself (33 ft tri), and I have been pretty happy with the boat until I saw your project. Good luck with it, I will definitely check back later.
Name:Gerard Boere
Hometown: Nieuw Vennep
Sent: 10.04 - 10/9
Nice site !
Im am at work now (KLM) but will lateron visit again to study all content. Looks very interesting.
Name: Alan
Sent: 12.08 - 8/9
HI, I am really impressed with your project, and also your website and intend to follow your progress. I did a years boat building course in the UK, but have only ever worked with wood so far. I hope it all goes well for you!
On a technical note (and I hope it's not a daft question) I don't understand how you can create a vacuum only on top of your foam lay up, when the bottom appears to be open to the air. And the foam must be porous for the resin to infiltrate? Are the top and bottom of the foam air tight or am I missing something? I would be intrigued to know.
Thanks Alan
Name:Captain John Jenkins
Hometown: Westbrook, Maine
Sent: 04.29 - 7/9
Great web site. Keep up the great work. If we can ever be of help let us know. Thanks, Captain John JEnkins
Name:Murray Peacock
Hometown: Bundaberg Australia
Sent: 11.27 - 4/9
Great Site. Have raced F31. It will be a buzz when she is launched.
Name: Jan Wielsma
Hometown: Culemborg, the Netherlands
Sent: 12.09 - 28/8
This is a very nice place to visit on a regular basis.
Nice pictures, lots to see and read and nice (open) insight of de design thoughts.
I would like to hop by in the future to see/help the project from close by.
Especially the vacuum insertion process I think is very interesting.
Jan Wielsma
Name: Tony Vonk
Hometown: Berg a/d Maas
Sent: 06.17 - 24/8
Keep going sofar it looks great, the carbon chainplates verywel done. wil keep in touch Regards Tony Vonk
Sent: 12.40 - 20/8
It was a great pleasure to know your very well conducted projects.It was also great to see, by your web cam, live photos of a so beautifull and distant (that deppends where you are!) country.Thank you.
Name: Fran Bosch
Hometown: Pasadena Md
Sent: 03.00 - 16/8
In a bit of a hurry but I will be checking out your progress later. Good Luck Fran
Name: Humberto Bonini
Hometown: Buenos Aires
Sent: 01.02 - 27/7
estoy pemsando en construir un trimaran. el pensar en construir su propio barco es - realmente- como esa nube pequeña, que luego cubre todo tu pensamiento. felicitaciones por tu página.
Name: Harpo
Hometown: Vienna, Austria
Sent: 17.49 - 12/7
Sehr schöne Seiten
Grüsse Harpo
Name: t.adliah
Sent: 17.10 - 22/6
Congratulations to your trimaran!
Your Website is great!
I am a student, thanks for your shared experiences in boatbuidling.
Name: Tyrone Currie
Hometown: Holywood, N. Ireland
Sent: 08.28 - 7/6
Great project. Am just about to start on a Kelsall 46'er so good to hear that infusion is working for you.
Name: Chris Smith
Hometown: Launceston TAS
Sent: 03.05 - 5/5
Great to get in touch with you.
I have built a 30 Islander(60's)33 Bucaneer,and currently live on Wings of Fantasy,a Buccaneer 40 I built 16 years ago. I have just been asked to build a a F39, so am looking for contacts. Cheers Chris.
Name: M.Keuvelaar
Hometown: Wijchen
Sent: 17.44 - 4/5
Hallo,interesante site daar zit een hoop werk in,ik zou zeggen veel sucses verder.Hij staat als link op mijn site 3e rijtje van links,je bent de eerste trimaran die er op staat.
Name: Kym Eden-Jones
Hometown: Gillingham, Dorset
Sent: 17.32 - 29/4
It is great to see some one carrying out my dream. It just proves that it can be done and gives me insentive to carry on trying even when it all loocks like failier.
Name: Niek
Hometown: Hilversum
Sent: 10.54 - 14/4
It was a very nice celebration yesterday, I was very impressed by the work you've done so far. The hull looks great. It's really worth to have such a celibration on each hull that's finished.
Cheers, Niek
Name: Martin
Hometown: Masterton, New Zealand
Sent: 22.49 - 13/4
Good luck with your project.
I am an amateur builder just finishing a 6 year project (or is it 7?) - a Crowther SP40 Cat.
Is was interested in your comments on allergeic reactions. A couple of points I would like to add:
Inblockquoteidual reactions vary enormously. Some people (myself among them) are lucky enough to get by with less-than-perfect measures. Others will be affected by any contact whatsoever (I DO wear gloves (latex) and NEVER attemt to cut or sand 'green' epoxy).
Name: Dave Howell
Hometown: Newport, Wales, UK
Sent: 19.52 - 13/4
Enjoyed your site very much - though I could not get the engine page to load.
My F9AX has Kubota deisel engine which is INDIRECTLY cooled. So I have a hot air fan (like in a car) & hot water from a calorifier. Both great for UK climate.
I am very impressed by the vacuum infusion process & the thought thst you have put into it.
Name: Engelien
Hometown: Hilversum
Sent: 13.01 - 13/4
Lieve Henny,
Ik ben erg trots op je.
Dankje voor de champagne-invitatie.
Liefs je zus.
Name: Mike Mentor
Hometown: Elkhart Indiana USA
Sent: 03.54 - 12/4
I am building a F9R, using Vinylester resin and blockquoteinisel foam. I have worked with fiberglass most of my life, and have some experience with vacuum infusion, however I would not have had the courage or patience that you have had to use this process with my boat. I'm glad it worked out for you!
I started my boat a little over a year ago and I am just finishing up my floats and first beam. I am having a good time with the project and hope to be finished in a couple more years. I dont know how you have the time to make such a nice web site and dedicate so much time to the mentioned PC program. I spend so much time working on my boat, "part time" that I dont have much time for anything else. Good luck with your project. I will look forward to seeing your progress!
Mike Mentor
F9R Eykis
Name: Alan Johnson
Hometown: Trabuco Canyon, California
Sent: 01.02 - 12/4
I own a Corsair 31 Ultimate Cruiser I bought in November 2000 from Mike Leneman. Have always enjoyed building. My first project was an 8'sailing sabot in my dad's garage in 1968. The plans were one sheet of drawings. Instructions were "Use good building technics." The price was $5.OO.
Enjoyed the infusion!
Good Luck!
Name: Jack Rex
Hometown: Corona, California USA
Sent: 15.13 - 11/4
I own a Corsair 31 Ultimate Cruiser I bought in August 2002 from Mike Leneman. I build a 25 ft Chris Craft Cruiser with my father about 40 years ago and I remember being the painter/sander.
Good luck on your project. The start is amazing and I look forward to seeing your fininshed product.
Best Regards,
Name: Claude Raffetin
Hometown: Paris
Sent: 06.48 - 4/4
Nice idea to make this website. I'm jsut thinking (esiest part of the job) to built a F22. So I'm always fascinated by peaople who dare to built a big boat.
Just an idea : you should open a subject such as "how to explain to your wife you want to buid a boat !".
I think I'll come back soon. Congatulations.
Name: tevfik dundar
Hometown: turkey
Sent: 12.28 - 27/3
good luck for you. did you finished contruction?
I've just started 14 x 7 mt katamaran ( metal )
body has been finished. Its 8,5 tonnes.
I'll put 2x110 hp engine plus 2 sailler.
What is yours idea? you thing metal boat would be ok?
for sail.
Name: Markus Deusinger
Hometown: Bern / Switzerland
Sent: 16.30 - 18/3
Hi. I just started building an F-9AX. Right now I do
the 2nd floathalf. I'm about to do a website as well.
Let's do it!
Name: beppe
Sent: 22.20 - 17/3
hey, very interesting.
go on!
good luck
Name: Karel de Jong
Hometown: Hilversum
Sent: 13.06 - 10/3
Prachtige en informatieve website.
Veel succes met dit uitdagende project.
Name: Alan Land
Hometown: San Diego, CA USA
Sent: 05.25 - 10/3
Great website - Thank You
Name: Rolando
Hometown: Denia
Sent: 18.50 - 5/3
nice site
Name: Greg Harding
Hometown: Corning, NY, 14830
Sent: 15.55 - 3/3
I have enjoyed your site and will be back to use it, I will send this site to other sailers,I went from mono's to multi's 30 years ago and love it . For the last 13 years I have had a Corsair, F27 #117,"Takin Off" it...Think Windy
Name: Johan
Hometown: Groningen
Sent: 12.01 - 26/2
Hallo Henny,
Goed project !
Ik ben zelf bezig een nieuw type trimaran te ontwikkelen met hulp van een nederlands multihull ontwerper.
Op dit moment maken we de laatste voorbereidingen voor de bouw van een 7,35 meter prototype.
Het is een geweldig concept met veel toekomst (en niet alleen volgens mij), het probleem is alleen de mankracht.
Je hebt het zelf natuurlijk druk maar misschien lijkt het je wat eraan mee te werken. Of misschien anderen die dit forum lezen en in Nederland wonen. Ervaring met sandwichbouw is welkom.
In ieder geval succes gewenst met je project !
Johan Drost
Sent: 23.33 - 20/2
Name: Dick Anderson
Hometown: Liverpool, NY
Sent: 03.23 - 13/2
Very interesting site. With any luck we'll cross paths and compare stores of places and people. Sato, our F27 is taking good care of now. With any luck a move slightly bigger will be in the works.
Cheers and good luck.
Name: ben
Sent: 21.22 - 26/1
prachtige website
Name: Tom Siemerink
Hometown: Marienheem
Sent: 21.44 - 15/1
Ik ben zeer onder de indruk van zowel je website als ook je manier van aanpak. Ik heb ook het artikel over de vacuum methode gelezen in de zeilen of waterkampioen het klinkt erg interessant.
Mijn plan is om rond eind dit jaar begin volgend jaar te beginnen met het bouwen van een F 9 AX
Waar betrek jij je epoxy materialen van??
Groeten Tom.
Sent: 05.22 - 11/1
Great web page... My family and I sail "Tradewind" out of Kadena Marina, Okinawa Japan. Trade Wind is a 39 foot custom wood ketch. I am an American working for a defense contractor on the American Air Base on Okinawa. I build small wood boats as a hobby and we sail as a family every chance we get. Good luck with your project and happy sailing when it is finished.
Name: Van Oortmarssen
Sent: 18.48 - 6/1
Gaaf model,,
Één van de Oortmarssens.
Name: Sigi
Hometown: Vancouver, Canada
Sent: 03.49 - 1/1
Great project! Check out
before you go sailing.
Name: maurizio
Hometown: italy
Sent: 08.58 - 25/12
good Christmas and happy new year
Name: Eric Morris
Hometown: Ballarat , Australia
Sent: 01.33 - 12/12
Name: Mike Parsons
Hometown: New Orleans, La, USA
Sent: 23.40 - 15/11
Happily sailing a F242, while dreaming of F39
Good luck.
Mike Parsons
Name: maurizio
Hometown: brescia - italy
Sent: 09.16 - 10/11
I ask you some questions:
- for the Farrier Folding System, mast, back stay, mast heel and all the parts in steel you do them you or do you make them do?
- what type of foam and resin you uses?
what sacks do you use for the vaccum infusion?plastic sacks already facts or do you build them you?
sorry for my bad English
good luck
Name: Ed Pellens
Hometown: Bussum
Sent: 20.59 - 2/10
Leuk om dit allemaal te lezen!
Ik zag in het verslag van de pionier dat er een Volvo Penta Saildrive in zit (volgens mij een MB2/50 ???).
Ben je misschien nog in het bezit van technische informatie van deze motor.
Ik heb zelf een 730 met een Volvo Penta en heb alleen het Owners manual.
Met vriendelijke zeilers groeten,
Ed Pellens
Name: Dr. Raul Diaz Langou
Hometown: Maceió-Brazil
Sent: 17.29 - 7/9
Hy Henny:
Nice page yours. Include our boatyard in your links. We are the only ones that build folding trimarans of IF and others in South America.
Others are in Regards
Name: Dennis Meulensteen
Sent: 08.39 - 29/8
Hi Henny and family,
I wish you all the best building your beautiful trimaran. I just know she'll be great when done.
I'm afraid my own plans have been shelved for now, but: Where there's a will, there's a way.
For now: Enjoy the highs, forget the lows and before you know it, you'll be sailing where the wind blows!
Name: derek
Hometown: char.
Sent: 06.35 - 25/8
Hey guys nice site,keep up the good work!
Hometown: MONTEREY PARK CA 91755
Sent: 23.41 - 6/7
Name: maurizio mina
Hometown: brescia - italy (near to milan)
Sent: 08.05 - 27/6
very well site, i hope to building one farrier F9A.
Good bye e ciao
Name: John Papa
Sent: 03.22 - 25/5
Name: Lawrence "Larry" Bosch
Hometown: Cupertino, California, USA
Sent: 23.24 - 18/5
People who discover my Captive Column Web Site should be aware that my invention was officially suppressed in the U. S. and other countries where landmark patents were granted to me as a result of intervention by former President Richard Nixon and the U. S. Army. Without their help, "teams" of engineers with certain universities, research institutes and government agencies would have been credited with the invention. This is the way our corrupted patent system works.
Due to this interference in the timely commercialization of the Captive Column during the term of my U. S. patent, a patent extension is under consideration and persons wishing to use the technology should consider an "insurance license" in the event that a patent extension is granted. Future updates to my Web Site will provide patent extension details, as well as announcements of "trechnology transfer auctions" in various product areas. Captive Column ocean racers, silboats and other marine applications will likely be among the first products to be auctioned because of the need for maximum performance and the great potential of composites that work so well with Captive Column construction.
And by the way, you have a great site!
Lawrence "Larry" Bosch
Inventor of the Captive Column at
Name: Ellen J. Elrod
Hometown: Plains, Montana
Sent: 00.19 - 17/5
We are very interested in your project, as we would, very much, like to build a trimaran. Thanks for this page.
Name: Wim Kos
Hometown: 1272 JT Huizen
Sent: 20.48 - 14/5
I am interested in sailingvesels and I heard this concept from a friend.
greetings Wim
Name: Thomas Wessels
Sent: 02.10 - 3/4
Hello! I am rebuilding my 3rd Horstman tri, a 38' (it's the tri named PUFFIN in his catalog, if you can find a catalog of his designs these days). It's in Long Beach, California. Where are you located? Please email when you can find timer between epoxy coats! Regards,
Thomas Wessels
Name: Stefano
Hometown: Anguillara Sabazia (Rome, Italy)
Sent: 18.40 - 14/3
Taking off for a 5 years project takes guts !
I'll visit your virtual shop and send my best wishes in the meantime.
Bye, Stefano
Name: Thomas Brueck
Hometown: Kaiserslautern
Sent: 15.08 - 27/2
Going around the world on a motorcycle, I caught the multihullvirus in Australia a while ago, like your projekt, let`s talk when we`re back in Europe, maybe, good luck. Tom
Name: Jim Van Den Berg
Hometown: Green Bay Wi USA
Sent: 20.02 - 28/1
Great Website
I am currently buiding an f-39 it started as a f-36 but grew to just shy of 40 feet. Extended the bow slightly and extended the transom. Hopefully we will launch in late summer. The ama's are complete, the beams are 50% complete, and the main hull is 60% complete. I too am waiting for the updated plans, We will not be able to incorporate all the modifications but enough ie daggerboard rudder, telescoping carbon pole, carbon chainplates, and rotating spar. Have you researched the spar? have you found any suppliers? If I can be of any help let me know.
Jim Van Den Berg
Name: Ted Lamont
Hometown: Perth, Western Australia
Sent: 07.15 - 16/1
Hi, your english is very acceptable, even to an Australian.
I'm also on the Multi Webring.
Is the Gary Mulder you mention the same as on Yahoo Electric Boats?
Awed by your stamina to fix the house and family needs before starting. I'm sure the "Senta" skipper would approve!
Meanwhile my boat is in a shed with a very long and slow re-fit - no mast in sight after the work. I expect to go kite sailing while i save for a new mast. It's always helpful to see others on the long haul.
Looking forward to the boat...
Name: Henrik
Hometown: Västerås
Sent: 08.46 - 10/1
Hi Henny!
Thanks for the kind words in my guestbook!
Very nice site you have here! I have been looking at some f-41 builders, but i think a tri is faster and more fun to sail?
Good luck with your project!!
I´ll ad you to my link page!
Name: Ron Galli
Hometown: Klamath Falls, Oregon, USA
Sent: 04.20 - 2/1
Good luck with your project, look forward to following your progress.
Your website looks great.
Name: pierre scieux
Hometown: wattrelos FRANCE
Sent: 13.03 - 29/12
Henny,I'am building a 40 feet tri since feb 1999 on
philippe CABON's plans(
Main hull,akas,dagger-board and rudder have been built
(3400 hours....)
I have been lucky to find a "big place" to build her
(tournai-doornick BELGIUM 25kms far froom home)along the ESCAUT river.sorry for my bad english and
"bienvenu au club ..."
Name: Werner Victoor
Hometown: Gent - Belgium
Sent: 09.11 - 28/12
I wish you all the best with your project. I am working at a shipyard in Gent, building 40 and 50 foot sailing catamarans (using sandwich/vinylester infusion technology in large female moulds).
Name: Ed Nygard
Hometown: Chehalis - WA USA
Sent: 06.50 - 26/12
Merry Christmas Henny. Looking forward to following your project. My F9AX project is on hold while I develop a freestanding reefable wingsail rig. Hope your distractions are few and your patience is long.
Happy building. Ed
Sent: 15.11 - 19/12
Wish you well with your project ,I admire your determination . I'm building a Tri at the other end of the scale . I'm Schooner rigging 450 sq ft of working sail onto a 20 footer . Check it out at under the project name of HOPIE 20 .
Cheers from " down under "
Barry Sanders .
Name: Arjan Bok
Sent: 15.00 - 19/12
Hoi Henny,
Waarom gaan we niet racen, niet op het water maar op het land Ik begin Jan 2002 met mijn 13m catamaran (Rotkat) in San Francisco en ik denkt dat wel vijf jaar gaat duren. wie het laatste klaar is verliest een pilsje.
Name: Hans
Hometown: Karise, DK
Sent: 13.07 - 19/12
Hoi Henny en familie, Dat wordt genieten. Zelf oud monohull zeiler en geconverteerd naar het comfort van catamaran. Er bestaat maar een soort boot en die heeft twee rompen. Ik zal met plezier je bouw volgen. Mogelijk een keer in Hilversum. Succes. Leuke website overigens.. Groet Hans
Name: Marnix Munneke
Hometown: Amersfoort
Sent: 09.46 - 11/12
Beste Henny, Jij kan niet alleen goede schepen bouwen, maar ook hele mooie websites! Het lijkt me schitterend om op zo'n mooi schip te varen! Veel succes verder met de bouw en tot de volgende keer!
vriendelijke groet Marnix Munneke
Name: gerrit
Sent: 09.16 - 3/12
Dit ziet er allemaal heel leuk uit. Groetjes Gerrit
Name: Chris Jauer
Hometown: Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
Sent: 14.07 - 8/11
Very good !
I sail a T-Gull 23 trimaran, hope to someday sail/build a larger multi. The Wadvogel
looks quite interesting... why did you decide on the F-38 instead of this ??
cheers Chris :e
Name: Robert J Cijntje
Hometown: Sint Maarten, Ned.Antillen
Sent: 02.09 - 7/11
Keurig !! Ga zo door nu ook nog wat meer multi hull
info !!
============ Thank you for visiting and come again soon ! ============

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